
DataCater can stream all data change events processed by a data pipeline to an Elasticsearch index.


This sink connector supports the following configuration options:

Hostname or IP

The hostname or IP address of the machine where the Elasticsearch index is running.


The port under which Elasticsearch is available (default: 9200).

HTTP Scheme

The HTTP schema under which Elasticsearch is available (default: HTTPS).


The username used for authenticating with Elasticsearch.


The password of the user used for authenticating with Elasticsearch.

Index name

The name of the Elasticsearch index that should be used as a sink. If none is provided, DataCater fills in the value data-sink-$ID, where $ID equals the id of the data sink in DataCater. If an index name, which does not yet exist, is provided, it is automatically created on the fly, when first writing to it.

Data Types

DataCater does not require schema mapping for the Elasticsearch sink but makes use of Elasticsearch's Dynamic Mapping feature.